Today we finally had a nice day here in London, with no rain forecast so I managed to get some woodwork done! Unfortunately, it wasn’t a full day as recent storms meant I had a fence to fix, but nevertheless the woodwork is underway! Got all of the rough cuts done so essentially at a good […]
Category Archives: Musings
Arcade Cabinet Build Progress Update
I promised you in my first post that I wouldn’t be posting frequently and so far I’m keeping up that end of the bargain! Nevertheless, some progress has been made on the build… I have three differing tacks being tackled at present, so a quick update on each; Woodwork, System and Artwork Woodwork: It’s still pretty miserable […]
A New Hope…
I used to have a blog. I used to post film, tv, game and comic reviews. It used to be reasonably popular. And then I stopped posting. I expect this to be no different… If you want regular posts, this probably isn’t the blog for you! However, I did want somewhere to put my thoughts, musings and […]